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The Gibraltar Stock Exchange

The Gibraltar Blockchain Exchange (GBX) aims to be a world-leading institutional-grade token sale platform and cryptocurrency exchange. Built upon principles of decentralisation and community consensus, we seek to create a new era of trust, openness and global acceptance for the crypto industry, one quality token listing at a time.

The Gibraltar Stock Exchange
The main basis of the Gibraltar Stock Exchange is the rapidity in the management of quotations, whatever the product you choose, as well as costs that are even lower than those registered in Luxembourg and Switzerland.

The Gibraltarian stock exchange is chaired by Marcus Killick, who for eleven years led the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission, a position he left last February and arrived after carrying out various responsibilities in the financial sector of the Isle of Man and the islands. Alligator.

In addition to this financial instrument, the creation of the Chamber of Commerce, the creation of the Investment Bank of Gibraltar, with 19 million euros of public capital at its birth, are the other legs of the impulse to the financial sector that intends to carry out the government of Picardo. This entity will replace Barclays and will offer services to retail clients as a differentiating element.

Advantages of GBX

  1. Security:  Based on the ideals of social consensus and trust, GBX’s rigorous enrollment process strives to allow the community to thrive by protecting participants with AML / KYC, corporate governance and best practices.
  2. Transparency:  GBX-Provides transparency for all members of the Crypto community. It promotes confidence, trust, credibility and liquidity for participants. To shape a transparent and energetic future for the community.
  3. Accessibility:  An international gateway and port within GBX’s Distributed Base Technology (DLT) offers an international gateway backed by the regulatory framework of the Gibraltar Government and supporting Distributed Accounting Technology

Token Sale

Token seller: GBX Limited
Marker name: Rock Token
Symbol: RKT
Project Name: “Gibraltar Blockchain Exchange” or “GBX”
Public Offer: The sale will be offered at the beginning of February 2018.
Minimum sales target USD $ 10,000,000
This Token is the symbolic price for the sale. USD 0.10 = 1 RKT excluding transaction costs or expenses. Volumes can be purchased in decimal fractions of decimal places.
Accepted payment method: transferred to bank account specified in USD Web Site. (For pre-sales only) ETH is paid at the valid ETH price specified on the Website at the time specified and purchased by GBX, the digital name specified in the Website.

With a wealth of capital markets experience at its helm, and years of understanding
from a process-driven traditional stock exchange, the GBX has the potential to
redefine perceptions and develop new industry standards.
A new age for Token Listing is coming.

more information:
website :
telegram :
white papper :

my profile :;u=1164122


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